A Call: Step-up, Step-up…Cross Over

A Call: Step-up, Step-up…Cross Over

 Stepping up here, to the finish line is saying one is done with the rape & dominance part of the walk into humanity. Significant sections of the animal world have—or appear to have in human study and interpretations—power hierarchies with group leadership determined by brute power. We have learned and are learning—as our human emotional and intellectual insight evolve—to acknowledge that many sectors “cooperate,” negotiate and “converse” without force. However we have evolved, we know there are models other than the one that says those best at being violent and aggressive survive. This belief and understanding of Human Interaction and Organization as one controlled and defined by brute force and/or aggressive coercion is no longer an easy default. It does not explain the brutality and militaristic models we continue to accept as primary and necessary. A model spilling domestic violence residue into all aspect of human life. We can change!

Knowledge and insight, our broader understanding of what exists in us and with other life forms in the world, the environment we inhabit, make it possible to contradict the violence-dominance paradigm representation of “human” what it means to be human. We can continue to develop our abilities to think, feel, empathize, project and—most importantly—grow in our empathetic awareness and ability to make informed choices. Group and individual dominance as deciding factors in who eats, who eats what part of the food, who gets sexual bond to propagate (and with whom), who gets to love, learn, breathe, and live free falls outside of evolving human definitions of human, of what it is to be and act civilized—form whole, vibrant community for all beings.

Step Right Up! Be done with rape & dominance! Cross on over, come on over the finish line.